Autodesk Flame - October 2022 Update
New Capabilities in Flame
Media Import Updates
Enjoy support for ARRIRAW SDK 7, a major update for the new ARRI ALEXA 35 4.6K Super 35 digital camera launched by ARRI in June 2022. This SDK provides you with native support for the ARRI ACE-4 colour engine, new colour spaces, ARRI's new debayer algorithm, and performance enhancements.
R3D SDK 8.3.1
Natively supported in Flame Family products, this new RED SDK enables you to import R3D V-Raptor XL camera files. It also contains fixes for many key issues.
Animation Editor Workflow Refinements
Edit Box
Flexibly edit multiple keyframes using the new Edit Box, available in both the Curves and Dope Sheet videos. This Animation Editor workflow refinement makes animation easier, faster, more accurate, and offers more ways to move and scale keyframes.
Flame Feedback Requests
More than 30 requests made by users were implements, including:
Batch Improvements
Improvements have been made to reduce the number of steps you must perform to ensure the basic attributes of your Batch Group are properly set.
• The Batch Group duration is automatically set to match the duration of the first clip added to your Batch Schematic, removing the need to manually set the duration.
• The Render and Write File nodes Render Range now follow the start and end value of the Batch Group by default, removing the need to manually adjust them.
• The Add to Workspace option available in the Write File node can be used to add the exported clips to your Workspace. The Smart Replace option is available making it possible to propagate the new renders to their corresponding Timeline segments..
Multichannel Clips Advancements
New preferences and options are available to further customize the usage of multichannel clips.
• Setting the default visibility status of channels can be used to hide channels you do not need in a Batch Clip node.
• Rules about channels visibility and type assignment can be performed inside the application so that you do not need to edit a file on disk to set your preferred behaviours.
• Media from hidden channels are no longer cached, saving important space on a framestore.
• Multiple enhancements have been made to the Clip node object in a Batch to make sure it is easier to identify channels, manage them, and create connections to other nodes.
• Channels can be renamed in Render and Write File nodes.
Python Enhancements
Additional options have been added to the Python components.
• Custom actions can now be organized and structured in a contextual menu making it easier for you to group some custom actions together and show them in a meaningful way.
• The entire content of a folder/directory can be imported using the flame.import_clips() function.
• Other specific attributes and functions requested by customers have been added to the API.